I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the Astonishing Light of your own being.
— Hafez

About YOU

Do you struggle with intrusive thoughts or excessive worry that is hard to ignore?

Do you experience panic attacks?

Are you consumed with a series of what if scenarios?

Do you engage in repetitive behaviors to try to manage your worries?

Do you avoid people, places or activities that you used to enjoy?

Do you have difficulty managing daily stress or major life stressors?

Are you trapped in the past, replaying scenes in your mind like an old movie?

Do you often feel not good enough, incompetent, worthless or plagued with guilt?

Is there a discrepancy between how you feel on the inside and what you show on the outside?

Do you have trouble recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing or regulating your emotions? 

Are you going through a major life change in your schooling, job, family situation or relationship?

Are you grieving a loss? 

Are you struggling with your gender identity or sexual orientation?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, TAKE THE NEXT STEP AND CONTACT ME TO BEGIN YOUR WALK INTO WELLNESS.